About Me

Mako and Me
Welcome to The Wicked Pup!
My name is Daphne or “The Human”, as Mako refers to me. Mako is my little Keeshond pup. This blog was created to share stories about his life, give tutorials on crafty D.I.Y.s for your puppy, and review some of the dozens of products that we’ve tried before.
As a pup parent, I always want the best for him, but sometimes it’s hard to figure out what “the best” is. Mako is my first puppy ever, so I question anything and everything that has to do with him. I hope that when I share our experiences, it’ll give you a better insight on the joys and obstacles of owning a puppy.
I should probably tell you all a little about myself. I’m a designer, born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, who currently lives in Columbus, Ohio. I picked up Mako in April of 2013 and have been a concerned pet parent ever since. Well that’s not completely true. I was already a concerned pet parent of two tiny red earred sliders, Coco and Lala, for two years before Mako came into the picture. I love my pets and strive to be the best human ever to them.
If you ever have any questions, please contact me at thewickedpup@gmail.com.