How To Choose a Food For Your Dog

There are so many types of dog food out there. I was honestly overwhelmed when we went to the pet store to buy our first bag of food for Mako. There’s the choice between wet food and dry food and then the choice between proteins. Then of course, you always want to figure out which brand is the “best”. But over time, I’ve learned that there isn’t such a thing as the “best” brand. Some dogs require more protein while too much protein can cause upset tummies for some dogs. You just have to find what works best for your pup.

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The Difference Between Good Play and Bad Play

Mako and Sheva

When we were back in Boston, I made sure to set up a few play dates for Mako so he gets to stretch his legs with some four-legged friends. We just happened to set play dates with two shiba inus. (For some reason, I know a lot of them.) One belongs to my cousin’s coworker and the other belongs to a very good friend of mine. During Puppy Preschool, we learned what was “good play” and I’ve heard some angry play times in the background with the other dogs, but I’ve never experienced it first hand. I think it’s super important to know the difference. It’s pretty easy if you observe your puppy’s body language.

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Road Trip with Your Dog

Mako Packing List

 This Fourth of July, we’re road tripping home to Boston to see our families. I’m so excited for this trip because, it’s Mako’s first time meeting my friends and family. Being the worrywart that I am, I’m always cautious about forgetting something I might need. I swear, packing for a dog is the same as packing for a baby. I already have a tote full of supplies and I know I’m still missing a few things. But, I always make lists for packing cause… well, I LOVE PACKING! Now these are just a few things I would bring for Mako, you may or may not need this for your own dog. And since we’re driving, we have plenty of room for everything, so I might be going a bit overboard to pack for him.

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Socializing Your Puppy at a Dog Park

Mako Dog Park

One of the most important lessons that I wanted to be sure to teach Mako as a puppy was to be well socialized. He was always friendly to strangers and he loved playing with other dogs. But he has the biggest problem with reading social cues when a dog clearly doesn’t want to play with him. He’ll just keep bugging them and bugging them until they either give in and play for a bit, or they snap at him. I wanted to make sure that he got a lot of exposure to different dogs so that he can learn when to give up.

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Teething Puppy

teething puppy Mako

Now it might feel like just yesterday that you brought your fuzzball home, but he grows fast. Soon, he’ll be biting everything you own, including you. I didn’t expect it to happen so soon, but between 3-6 months, Mako started losing his teeth. I didn’t even realize he lost his first one until the vet pointed it out to me during another check up. But soon enough, I was noticing him chewing more and little red blood stains on some of his favorite toys. Poor Mako seemed to be so uncomfortable so here are a few tips to help make your puppy feel better! Continue reading

5 Things To Do On Your First Day With Your New Puppy

 Mako Puppy

1. Make sure your apartment is puppy proofed. Pick up any loose items on the ground. Make sure anything that you don’t want your puppy chewing is safe in a high table or a locked room. This will keep your puppy out of trouble and you sane. Believe me, I love Mako, but sometimes I feel like I’m about to break down crying when he somehow destroys something precious to me. So to spare yourself from the heartbreak, keep your things out of reach.

2. Try to get your puppy to potty outside before going into the home. This way, you know he’ll have an empty bladder for a bit. Then you can play and bond knowing that he won’t need to pee again for a while.

3. If possible, block off one room for your puppy to explore first. Afterwards, slowly open up more areas for him as he gets better acquainted with your home. We weren’t able to do this for Mako because of the layout of our apartment and I think that impeded our potty training.

4. Do a few training exercises and get your puppy accustomed to going into the crate without too much whining. Trust me, you’ll thank me later. The sooner you can get your puppy to enjoy the crate, the sooner you’ll be able to get a good night’s sleep. Remember, the crate should be a safe place for your puppy to rest, but a prison or cage for punishment.

5. Make sure you’re bringing your puppy out frequently for potty breaks. The less he uses your carpet as a bathroom, the easier it’ll be to potty train him. Make sure to take your pup out frequently until he starts to get the hang out going outside to pee. If he does have a little accident, just clean it up with some enzyme solution.


Introducing Your Puppy To Your Home

Mako Puppy

You’re about to experience one of the happiest days of your life. I mean… in my opinion, the day that I brought home Mako was more exciting than all my graduations, my 21st birthday, and all my childhood piano recitals combined. I remember the night before we were supposed to make the drive to Kentucky to pick up Mako like it was yesterday. It was a night filled with excitement, anticipation and fear. I was so eager to finally be able to meet my furball, but at the same time I was so worried that I wouldn’t be a good parent for him. Well, hopefully I’ll be able to help you all figure out what to expect on your first day home with your new puppy.

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Choosing The Right Crate For Your Puppy

Mako Dog Crate

This was the first big purchase I made for Mako and it took me a while to weigh my options. There are two main options here; a plastic travel crate or a wire crate. Metal wire crates allow more air to circulate since it’s more open and lets your dog see more of what is happening in the room. Some wire crates come with dividers so your dog can grow into its crate without you having to buy multiple as he grows bigger. Plastic travel crates are more covered, giving the dog a more “den-like” feeling. Continue reading

Things You Need Before You Bring Home A Puppy


The day was getting closer and closer. I went out to shop in preparation for Mako’s homecoming. I’ve researched online and looked in books to figure out what exactly I needed for a new puppy and what would just be a perk to have. There were so many different items and so many options for each one that it became overwhelming for me and in hindsight, I might have made a few wrong choices initially. So to help you all figure out what to pick up before your new puppy’s arrival, I’ve written a list of items I think are essential to get you through at least the first few weeks with your pup. Continue reading